Any Sindhi organization/association established in Bangalore and incorporated under any
law or regulation, which has a minimum of 100 Members, and interested in the cause and
welfare of the Federation may, on invitation by the executive committee and on payment
of such subscription or fee as may be prescribed under these Rules and Regulations,
become a member of the Federation.
However, it is expressly provided that all the Associations that are already the members
of the Federation on the date of coming into force of these rules and regulations shall,
subject to the other rules and regulations, continue to be members of the Federation if
they so desire even if their strength is less than 100 members.
The Executive Committee at the suggestion of any two members of the Federation and a
resolution passed by the majority of 3/4 members present, may invite any
organization/association to be its member, which in their opinion will be helpful in the
fulfilment of the objects of the Federation.
Such organization/association on receipt of invitation to become the member of
Federation shall forward the formal application to the Hon. Secretary along with the
admission Fee and the subscription as prescribed
The Member Association shall nominate any two of their members to be the
representatives on the Federation. These two representatives shall be the members of the
Federation representing their parent organization and they shall continue to be members
of the Federation till they are replaced by their respective member association
The Admission fee, Annual Subscription and any other subscription that shall be payable
by the member Associations shall be as decided by the Executive Committee from time to
A member shall lose his right to vote if the subscription is not paid by his Respective
Association before the 30th day of September each year, but can exercise his vote after
payment of arrears